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deal by

"deal by"的翻译和解释


  • It ' s the first major deal by the new state investment agency set up to make better use of china ' s massive foreign exchange reserves
  • Blessing of sanctuary has been changed to reduce damage taken from all sources by 5 % but reduce damage dealt by the target of the spell by 5 %
    庇护祝福更改为减少目标遭受的所有性质伤害的5 % ,同时也减少目标施放的法术伤害的5 %
  • Among these security problems , how to protect mobile code from malicious host is a new issue that cannot be dealt by traditional technologies
  • He accomplished a great deal by establishing trade with foreign countries , introducing new animal and plant life , and promoting agriculture and industry
  • The experimental results have been dealt by the kinetic model , the relative kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of hydrolytic reaction of pnpp have been obtained
  • The wisdom of an eminent leader is , to those things that can be dealed by common sense not genius , he has the courage to left it ? without consideration
  • Citigroup , which aims to conclude the deal by the end of june , said it would re - evaluate its position if it failed to secure at least 80 per cent of koram
    花旗集团计划在6月底前完成交易,并称如果不能确保至少拥有韩美80 %的股份,将对其持股进行重估。
  • The test results show that the liquid metal dealed by electromagnetic pump is purified , its solidification process changes , thus , its fluidity improves
  • We have not only learned a great deal by joining the young friends of heritage scheme , but also recognized that heritage conservation requires procedures and techniques
  • Knowledgeably offer customers the most suitable dhl service based on their unique needs , and actively attempting to close the deal by converting their enquiries and securing their bookings
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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